Battle of the Surgery – Round 2
Last friday Skate Pharm held ‘Battle of the Surgery’ Round 2 which is a winner takes all game of skate.
Everyone chucks £2 in to enter and the winner takes the pot, this time round it was £64. As usual, it was good vibes all round and plenty of heckling as about 50 rowdy youths turned up to either skate or lurk. It was good to see a few guys back on their boards after a brief chav vacation – Ben Greenstreet and Alex Price. Plenty of the Thanet old guard were in attendance but the young guns really stole the show with powerful performances from Ben Greenstreet, Curtis Levy and Lewis Gerry.
In the end Lewis took the win with the standard combination of technical tricks and ridiculous consistency.
The date for round 3 is 6pm 13th November – Be there with your £2 at the ready!
Thanks to James Brown for running things, Kane will also be back on board for the next one.