Earlier we blogged Carl “Potter” Wilson Muckefuck tour write up. Carl has sent over some film picks back from the same trip. Enjoi and check out his website – www.carlwilsonphotography.com
A nice breakfast bbq with cheese sausages
Alex Halford decided it was a good idea to sleep out side, then missed breakfast.
Impending doom
The yanks came prepared with their hammocks
The fire pit and chet’s tent
Juliann got a bit cold in the night so he decided to put on all of his clothes. I think there was three pairs of trouser, four jumpers and about 4 t-shirts.
Cody lockwood waking up
Daniel thought it was a good idea to film a death metal video at the farm we were staying at.
Mid shoot
On the road to the next spot
Taylor Pondering life and thinking were can i get some more harrybow from