Newly named Skate Pharm rider Carl “Potter” Wilson has been in Belgium recently. Here is a quick write up of his trip…
“I’ve just been to Belgium on tour with the Muckefuck, Lifeblood and Bacon teams. This was a heavy crew of 30 dudes, shit was going to get done that was for sure, It was a rad tour with some rad guys. The first day of the trip we started of at a DIY park called Mechelen, which is a DIY park a must see for sure. Some highlights from the trip included waking up in the middle of a town next to a prison and people look at us really odd, riding bikes around (Alex Halford is a bad ass on a bike he will ride down anything), playing dice with Daniel (he rolled a 1&4 for me to get a sti thanks mate) and just seeing Cody lookwood killing every thing in sight. All in all it was a sick trip and can’t wait to go next year!”