LRG Clothing – 1947 – Video Review
After months of speculation and inconspicuous advertising, LRG Clothing’s long awaited video ‘1947’ has finally been released. Featuring some of the most stylish and technically innovative skateboarders whose popularity and recent video parts have gained our attention, ‘1947’ is packed with a fresh yet subtly familiar taste of modern skateboarding.
Many of you may have seen Carlos Ribeiro’s recent introduction to Primitive Skateboards, you may have even seen his part from ‘1947’ on Thrasher alongside Jack Curtin, so you can understand why he was given the opening part. Carlos is this new breed of skateboarder who is able to mix both ends of the spectrum in what we define as our ‘style’ of street skateboarding, therefore anybody is able to enjoy his part. The same can also be applied to Jack. Most of us are more familiar with his frequent appearance in New Balance Numeric videos, however Jack has been on the radar for quite some time and has become a firm favourite of ours.
Moving on from Carlos’ part, we already have an established theme to this video and each part is met with equally well constructed sections that match each skateboarders’ individual style and tempo. By now it’s important to mention that the video has a strong soundtrack that most of us can enjoy; Whether it’s funky Spanish Latin music, the beating drums of Brazil or even some heavy hip-hop, ‘1947’ will keep you hyped and ready to go skate.
Let’s take a moment to look away from the contents itself and appreciate Kyle Camarillo’s visual direction in this video. There still seems to be an aggravating feud between the world of standard definition and high definition being used in skateboarding, some videographers have even gone the extra mile and now use RED’s to produce short web videos while others are practicing the use of Super 8mm film which also end up online (Maybe we’re more concerned by the format we watch our contents on instead of what camera it’s shot on…). Regardless of quality, it’s important to recognise how videographers use these cameras to compose their images and capture the skateboarder from the best angle. Now while ‘1947’ follow a very generic pattern used in skate videos, Kyle has made great use of vivid colour and shows off unique architecture by using it as opposed to cutting away. Whether it’s tracking through a narrow alleyway or even a crack in the wall, Kyle manages to make great use of his surroundings to create interesting angles that might not often be seen.
As the video comes to an end we are pleasantly greeted with Tom Asta and Miles Silvas. Unfortunately for you we can’t say anymore other than “HOLY S**T!?”. Get the picture? These guys shut it down and were worth the wait, bring on Miles’ Adidas part!
We should be receiving copies of the DVD soon so we will keep you all updated accordingly. In the mean time you can check out our selection of LRG Clothing here: