Polar Video Premiere At Skate Pharm

Polar Video Premiere At Skate Pharm

Skate Pharm are stoked to announce that we’ll be holding the Polar Video Premiere for the much anticipated Polar skate co. movie ‘I like it here inside my mind, don’t wake me this time’ featuring the whole Polar team – Hjalte Halberg, Jerome Campbell, Pontus Alv, Aaron Herrington, Michal Juras, Oskar Rosenberg David Stenström, Dane Brady, Paul Grund, Kevin Rodrigues and of course the man himself Pontus Alv.

We were fortunate enough to attend the London premiere and we promise that you are not going to be disappointed by this one!

The film will be screened just after 6.30pm in The Surgery followed by a wall ride jam and probably some games of skate.

To give you some idea of what you’re in for at the Polar Video Premiere, check out the teaser clip.

Sign up and share the event page here:

The film is released on the 11th April, you can pre-order your copy here:

The new Polar Spring range is due early april too. In the mean time browse our remaining Sale Polar stock here: