As part of an ongoing relationship we have teamed up with our local Arts University to bring you a ‘1 minute spot comp’. The main rule is that the spot must be located somewhere in Kent but it could be a park, a bowl, a private ramp or some pure street.
Submissions will not just be judged on trick content, points will be awarded for spot choice, originality, inginuity and entertainment value.
Winners will be picked on the 28th November so you need to get busy and pray for dry weather!
Best sections will be shown at a screening in the Tom Thumb Theatre, Margate. (
1st place will receive a £150 gift bag, 2nd £100, 3rd £50. Not bad for 1 minutes work!
The flyer was designed by University students, orignal image: Matt Weekes shot by Ben ‘Biscuits’ Wilks.