Mince Pie Olympics
Welcome to the Mince Pie Olympics! While most of the nation was slobbing on the sofa watching James Bond we thought it would be a good idea to drag everyone out of their nice warm houses to jump over things in a cold warehouse. As it turned out it was an epic laugh, jumps got done and as an extra bonus Jaden was sick!
Highest Ollie – Michael Morley
Longest Ollie – Dan Gee/Michael Morley tie
High Jump – Michael Morley
Best trick – Flat Bar – Dan Gee – Bigspin front board.
Best trick – Little 1/4 pipe – Joel Thomas – kickflip to feeble shove it fakie.
Mince Pie Eating Comp – Jon Norman
- Eating comp starts…
- Pies for days
- The contenders/suckers
- Epic dry mouth ensues
- Jaden couldn’t handle it
- Ejecto Seat Cuz
- The Baying Mob
- The aftermath
- Tense crowd scene.
- Long jump winner Michael Morley
- High jump eliminator, no one failed!
- The boss taking charge.
- Chicken Slayer got pretty high, did this jump too.
- Jon couldn’t make it so kung fu kicked it instead
- And the crowd went mild.
- Alex got up there.
- SKATE champ Lewis took Michael to the last height with extra wood added too.
- but Mike won with this epic 52″ jump
- Gee gets things going in the highest ollie comp.
- Alex had a good jump on him
- but Mike took this one too.
- We’re so Margate, we’re so South.