London Skate Journal issue 002 is now online:
The project aims to capture the feel and essence of what it is to be a skateboarder rather than focussing on ’tricks’. Skateboarding is so much more than just tricks: sometimes the journeys, the building of temporary obstacles, the security hassle, the interaction with weird members of public and just chilling with the bro’s are the things you remember and a big part of what makes you a skateboarder.
To achieve this feel it’s all shot using disposable cameras handed round to select friends initially around London and now further afield.
“Issue 2 has more contributors as well as new locations inside and out of Europe including Oslo and NY with contributions from Joe Gavin, Ash Hall, Austin Bristow, Jeremy Jones and more documenting life on and off board with no direction. At this point there are a few print issues floating around but this project is still predominantly based online. Our aim is to get LSJ officially into print next year which will be made possible by Theobalds Cap Co. “ – Craig Jackson
For more back history on the project check this Huck Magazine interview done around the launch of issue 1: